We are going to analyze some wallet holder statistics for BNB. First we can take a look at the top holders of BNB over the past 30 days.
The color purple is low and yellow is high amount of tokens. The graph below is called a Heatmap. Its interactive so you can hover and even zoom in (click and move). Its very easy to make your own heatmaps and we are using this library https://github.com/talgalili/heatmaply. A sampe of the raw data used to create the heatmaps can be found at the end of this document.
Because some large wallets often skew the representation, we can drop them out, to get a better picture
As well, we can look at the movments of each wallet over time, in this case we are examining the value changes of each wallet address over time, not the absolue value. In terms of the heatmap calculation, we are ‘scaling by rows’
We can also look at times when an address bought or sold, regarless of the amount. Green boxes are buys and red’s are sells.
Or we can set a reference date, lets say 60 days ago, and see the wallet movements in the past 60 days. Green is a buy, Purple is a Sell
We can look to see each day how many buyers or sellers there were as a breadth measure. We could even set buying/selling over a certain threshold (say over 1BTC worth) to weed out small transactions
Now that you have a little feel for what type of data can easily be represented by heatmaps, the fun part is to segment differnet wallets based on some characteristics. The whole exercise of examining wallet address to try to and uncover hidden trends. Maybe you want to see what Whales are doing or if new large buyers are continuing to buy/sell. In this case we take a look at all of the addresses that have ## sold within the past 6months, and then we look at thier buy and sells
We have colled wallet information from Etherscan.io. If thier data is incorrect, our analysis will be as well. Also we have not collected data on Wallet Address who have completed more than XX transactions, as obtaining that data proved to be increadibly difficult and also, from an analytical perspective, we are not sure what infromation can be drawn from wallet movments of high volume addresses.